A Blaze of Glory at Veritas Prep

Veritas Prep October 24, 2023

Students at Blazer Ceremony

Veritas Preparatory Academy celebrates the shift from 10th to 11th grade with a meaningful tradition – the introduction of a new uniform. Each year, junior students are presented with a distinguished navy-blue blazer, signifying their dedication to their studies and the challenges that lie ahead. This ritual is commemorated in a formal gathering attended by all upper school students, as well as faculty members. It is a much-anticipated event and rite of passage that the juniors eagerly await.

“We’re a unique academy and we feel that it’s important to give our older students the opportunity for leadership,” said Headmaster Theresa Weiland. “[The blazer] helps them to understand in a really concrete way the importance of what they’re doing here. What a special opportunity they have here to learn with their peers.”

The ceremony commenced with a stately procession, accompanied by Brahams’ “Academic Festival Overture,” followed by opening remarks from Headmaster Weiland. “I hope blazers remind each of you to recognize the uniqueness of what you do here and to participate in making your time here fruitful,” she said as she addressed the juniors specifically.

Headmaster speaking at Blazer Ceremony

The student body was surprised by the introduction of the keynote speaker, Clifton Kiser, a beloved long-time Veritas teacher who recently transferred to Great Hearts Roosevelt. His presence at the ceremony was a well-kept secret until he grandiosely stepped out from behind the stage curtain as his name was announced – met with an uproarious applause.

“Today is an important moment in your high school career,” said Kiser to the captive audience of his former students. “Now that you’re upper classmen, you bear a responsibility of leadership here on this campus. It is being honored by this ceremony and presented for the whole world to see in the form of the blazer. Each of you have so many talents buried deep within. It’s through courage that you’ll be able to dig them up and dare to use these talents that you have and through them embark on a voyage of discovery. An adventure where you live life to its fullest. Let this journey support you and let you be your best and set an example for the world to follow. Through your own humility, inspire the underclassman. You were there once too, so be thoughtful, encourage, teach, nurture, and cultivate virtue in those around you. Let this be your steppingstone, your transition to being leaders. Not just in your classrooms and not just on this campus, but within each of you in the life that you lead and then through this that you will lead others to be able to live well.”

Keynote speaker at Blazer Ceremony

Faculty members aided the juniors as they were individually called to the front of the auditorium to don their blazers. Once blazers were placed and straightened, they crossed the stage to receive their Veritas lapel pins from Headmaster Weiland. The ceremony concluded with the entire student body joining in the rendition of “Gaudeamus Igitur.”

A reception for the juniors adorned in their new blazers took place in the academy’s garden area, where refreshments were served. The grandeur and significance of the entire event left a lasting impression on all in attendance.

This cherished tradition holds a special place in the hearts of both faculty and scholars. It stands as a cornerstone of Great Hearts academies, with similar blazer ceremonies taking place at numerous campuses, with their own unique traditions.

Student at Blazer Ceremony

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