A Student-Led Newscast Debuts Saturday: “Great Hearts, Great Stories”

Glendale Prep February 1, 2024

Two Glendale Prep

Through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Great Hearts Academies stand as pillars of classical education, dedicated to shaping the minds and hearts of tomorrow’s leaders. It’s with immense pride that we announce an exciting new chapter in our story: the launch of our first-ever student-led newscast, “Great Hearts, Great Stories.” Each episode aims to showcase the rich tapestry of events, achievements, and stories unfolding across our network, fostering a deeper connection among students, educators, and families.

This initiative mirrors the Great Hearts philosophy that learning is not just about absorbing facts but engaging with ideas in a way that forms character. Through “Great Hearts, Great Stories,” we bring to life our commitment to an education that pursues truth, cultivates goodness, and appreciates beauty.

Our pilot episode, premiering on February 3rd at 4:30 PM MST, promises an engaging mix of stories from across the Great Hearts network. Hosted by two charismatic seniors from Glendale Preparatory Academy, Kade and Chloe, the episode features contributions from Chandler Preparatory, Archway Cicero, Scottsdale Preparatory, Archway Trivium, and Trivium Preparatory.

Viewers can look forward to a variety of segments, from academic highlights and artistic achievements to sports victories and community events. Each story is a testament to the vibrant, engaged, and supportive community that defines Great Hearts Academies.

Mark your calendars for the premiere of “Great Hearts, Great Stories” this Saturday at 4:30 PM MST. The episode will be available on both Facebook and YouTube, making it easy for the entire Great Hearts community to tune in and celebrate the achievements of our students.

The success of “Great Hearts, Great Stories” depends on the involvement of our entire community. After watching, we encourage you to share your feedback, suggest stories for future episodes, and engage in discussions that the newscast inspires. Your participation is crucial in making this newscast a meaningful platform that truly reflects the spirit and values of Great Hearts.

As we prepare to launch “Great Hearts, Great Stories,” we’re reminded of the power of storytelling in bringing us together and highlighting the shared values that make our community strong. This newscast is a testament to the creativity, dedication, and spirit of excellence that thrives within Great Hearts Academies.

In the words of one of our student hosts, “This newscast is an opportunity for us to share not just what we do, but who we are as a community. We’re excited to bring these stories to life and showcase the incredible things happening across Great Hearts.”

Join us in this new adventure, and let’s celebrate the great hearts and great stories that make our academies so special.

Do you have a story or know of a story that you would like to see featured at Great Hearts?  Please contact jason.moore@greathearts.org.

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