Celebrating Literature with Character Facebook Twitter Email This Post Great Hearts Academies October 26, 2022 There is a joy in reading. For most Great Hearts lower schools one day is set aside to participate in the tradition of Literary Character Day. Students and teachers dress up as their favorite literary or historical figure – whether hero, heroine, protagonist, antagonist, prop, or event – they are all represented. The day includes many activities that all point to the richness and beauty of literature that includes literary games, snacks, reading, and special guest readers. Some of the activities, traditions, and even the name of the event may vary from school to school, but the purpose and the heart of the day remains steadfast. It’s an entire day set aside to further bring awareness to the wonder that books can bring. “At Archway Veritas we often talk about the importance of ‘serious play’ in our classrooms,” said Headmaster Mary Frances Jeffries. “Great Hearts/Great Books Day is a perfect example of ‘serious play.’ It allows us to celebrate our beautiful literature as a school community.” Archway Lincoln Headmaster Dr. Toyin Atolagbe said, “Reading takes an individual on a voyage beyond the walls of a classroom, where the reader can imagine the beauty of the world with a sense of wonder that is impactful… At Archway Lincoln, we intentionally create a love of learning on our campus without leaving this important habit of excellence to chance. Essentially, we let wisdom guide us to create awareness, access, and opportunities for our students to read purposefully.” “Dress as your Favorite Character Day is a culminating activity for a month-long engagement in a Read-a-thon that enables us to celebrate a love of reading,” added Dr. Atolagbe. “Oh, what joy seeing a scholar dressed in a Pinocchio costume or a kindergartner dressed like Little Red Riding Hood accompanied by a basket prop. These are a few of the many costumes that grace our campus annually over the years. The smiles on the faces of our students and the excitement in their voices as they talk about the characters, they represent are the correct doses of uplifting the parents, staff, and faculty get from this community-building endeavor that unites us all and causes our hearts to leap for joy!” Archway Glendale’s celebration caught the attention of Fox 10 Arizona Morning Show. Reporter Ty Brennanvisited with staff and students as they shared their excitement for all the books they represented. Glendale Prep seniors even took time away from their Senior Retreat to read a book aloud to the students. The office staff reenacted the book, “The Little Red Hen” for the student body in an interactive skit with Headmaster Suzanne DeStefano playing the title role to the delight of the audience. “There’s an old adage that readers are born on their mother’s laps. It begins when someone is really young, before they even come to school. Then they come here and we teach them how to read and how to love reading and [provide] lots of activities building that enjoyment and skill of reading,” said DeStefano. Literature and the Great Books are foundational to the classical education at Great Hearts Academies. It is activities like these in the lower schools that create the spark and the wonder to discover the worlds that open through literature and a further appreciation for the Great Books as scholars progress to upper schools and higher learning. You can view the Great Hearts reading lists here. Do you have a story or know of a story that you would like to see featured at Great Hearts? Please contact jmoore@greatheartsamerica.org.