Wed, 18 September, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Constitution Day

Lund Center at Veritas Prep

Please join us on September 18th at 5:30pm inside the Lund Center of Veritas Preparatory Academy for the free Inaugural Great Hearts Constitution Day Address.


The Great Hearts Institute has invited Andrew Porwancher, Professor, School of Civic & Economic Thought & Leadership, Arizona State University, to deliver our Constitution Day Address, “The Constitution: Hidden Truths and Enduring Myths”. Professor Porwancher will discuss the history behind the Constitution, which he contends, “is not merely academic. It shapes our lives and liberties today. But popular understandings of the Constitution often neglect the historical record. What did the framers really mean by the Establishment Clause? What little-known constitutional clause did even more than the First Amendment to shape religious liberty in America? What can the peculiar origins of the Second Amendment teach us about gun rights? This lecture will explore historical evidence that can help us refine constitutional debates as old as the republic itself.”


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