Finding a House Where They Belong

Great Hearts Glendale September 29, 2023

Several of our preparatory academies utilize the House System to facilitate a greater sense of community in our schools. The House System is designed to break down barriers created by academic level, age, or extracurricular interests so that every scholar can find a community. When scholars are sorted into Houses, they find a group of students with whom they can serve, play, compete, and enjoy shared upper school experiences with.

Glendale Prep recently held its annual House Sorting Assembly. “We shortened classes and met as a student body to learn which House would receive the newest members of our community,” said Headmaster Kyle Navarrette. This included all incoming sixth graders and any newly enrolled students. The House placement will follow the student all the way through their senior year.

“Six years ago, when I became Headmaster, my vision was that Glendale Prep would be a place where students are known and loved,” said Navarrette. “With each year, I am blessed to lead our wonderful faculty and staff and to see my favorite students in Arizona. My heart remains steadfast on this goal. When we started our House system, there was a goal that Seniors and 6th graders…Juniors and 8th graders…students across our student body would come to know one another and share time together. It is essential to take time out from the normal school day to be together.”

The House System is a proven way to create a positive climate and culture for students and staff. The process builds character, relationships, and school spirit. While many of the upper schools have their own unique Houses, Glendale Prep students enter House Falconis, Hyrax, Lutra, or Vulpes. Each of the four Houses are then divided into smaller groups called Kins. Kins have students from all grade levels, with one or two seniors leading and one or two faculty or staff members guiding it.

Crest of the 4 Houses Glendale Prep

The Sorting Assembly shows off the comradery and school spirit of the academy. It is a joyous time to celebrate and honor one another as they formally and ceremoniously welcome the new members into their House. It was a kaleidoscope of colors with each House wearing their House color in sections and waving flags and signs as they cheered on the new, soon-to-be-placed scholars, who were anxiously waiting up front for their placement to be announced.  The whole school was together and involved, with the seniors hyping up the Houses in celebration and warmly welcoming students as they were placed.  The cheering was loud, but the joy was genuine, and the excitement was infectious as each House chanted.

Navarrette concluded the assembly with a revelation that so thoughtfully sums up the reason behind the House System. “Nothing is more vital to a community than one’s sense of belonging. You belong here at [Glendale Prep], and we love you,” he said.

In a world where fitting in consumes us, especially in our formative years, our academies offer an opportunity to belong – something much more lasting than merely changing who we are to be widely accepted. But when we belong, we find others who stand by our side through life and experiences because they genuinely understand and respect who we already are in our journey of human formation. In their House, our scholars gain that sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves in an affirming way.

Students at House Sorting Assembly

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