Giving Tuesday at Archway North Phoenix and North Phoenix Prep
In 2012, we began our research into the best kindergarten for our son, Drew. Great Hearts Archway Classical Academy stood out from a number of other excellent charter, private and public schools because their advanced, honors-level curriculum is taught to every student, an equal emphasis is placed on the fine arts, literature, history, math and science, and the school focuses on developing well-rounded, moral students with a life-long love of learning.
We loved the small class size, and that teacher used the Socratic method in the classroom to engage students in a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the material. We appreciated that the classical curriculum removed the distraction of pop culture, and the school uniforms displayed unity in a common goal with more value placed on what students say, think and do than on how they look. We were excited for the variety of clubs and extracurriculars offered and opportunities for parent involvement, and that our kids could easily transition into Great Hearts Preparatory Academy.
However, the most important factor in choosing Great Hearts was their core philosophy of pursuing Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in every area of the curriculum. We really liked that while academic achievement was important, it was the development of a virtuous, great-hearted student in a wide variety of areas that took precedence.
In 2012, Drew secured a spot in Great Hearts North Phoenix’s first kindergarten class. Our daughter, Alexandra joined her brother at Archway North Phoenix two years later. It did not take long for us to realize that this school was the perfect fit for us. From their first day, the headmaster, teachers, staff, and community were amazing, welcoming, knowledgeable, supportive, and invested in our kids’ success.
So many of our memories are intertwined with our time at both ANP and NPX. We loved that every morning the headmaster greeted us by name and shook Drew and Alexandra’s hand as they left for the day. They both took to the structured learning environment, and we were amazed to see their confidence quickly grow as they worked hard to master new, often difficult concepts (the Paul Revere poem recitation will always be a favorite memory).
We were struck by how well the teachers understood the challenges our kids had, such as speaking up more in class, but still expressed their appreciation for each of their abilities and strengths. They enjoyed participating in many different clubs and sports including chess, drama, choir, mentoring, soccer, basketball, flag football, volleyball, and the Student Service Organization. We also cherished the times we were able to see our kids during the school day by volunteering on campus to help with reading groups, the lunch program, field days, and chaperoning numerous field trips to places like dairy farms, the zoo, the science museum, Shakespeare plays, etc. We will always be grateful we were able to see first-hand what an amazing school day Great Hearts North Phoenix provides to each student.
Because we always ideally wanted our kids to have a continuous 13-year education at Great Hearts, it was an easy decision to continue into Prep. The transition for Archway to Prep seemed pretty seamless. The Prep side did a great job during middle school to prepare them for the independence, expectations, and challenges that were to come in high school. Drew and Alexandra agree that they love the newfound freedom/independence that Prep brings. They both enjoy the in-depth seminar discussions, group lab work, time with friends, good relationships with their teachers and school involvement.
A big factor in staying at NPX is that they can now see the results of their years of working hard and have a sense of achievement in successfully completing each grade while others choose to leave. Although they sometimes wonder if they missed out on “the big school experience,” it has been outweighed by the quality and close-knit connection that the small school brings. NPX has given them the opportunity to achieve leadership roles and participate in a variety of school and community service projects. The school and college counselor have done an incredible job working one-on-one with Drew to assist him in selecting and applying to colleges. We are also excited that Drew and Alexandra are able to take advantage of NPX’s new dual enrollment classes being offered this year for college credit.
We feel so fortunate and blessed that our kids have been able to receive a tuition-free private school level of education. Being educated on the fact that our school does not receive the full amount of funding by the State needed to meet the schools operating expenses, it was important to us that this great school be able to continue to provide the Great Hearts model of education we had chosen for our students.’ We made our voluntary contributions to Community Investment a continual part of our monthly family expenses and participated in the tax credit drive each year.
Over the years, it has been incredible to be able to see the numerous school improvements and additions that were made as a direct result from all of the families’ generosity. We are so thankful for everything this school and staff has done for our kids, for the amazing education Drew and Alexandra have received, the close friendships they have made, and for getting to be a part of this truly special community for the last 13 years.
On this National Day of Giving will you join us in making a gift that will impact all of our students’ and the education we have all chosen for them.
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