Giving Tuesday at Archway Veritas

Archway Veritas November 27, 2024

Upon graduating, new Archway Veritas teacher Henry Schreiber signed on with a local school district. But after his first two years, the experience was not what he had hoped for. More than a bit disillusioned, he found himself driving past the Archway Veritas campus one day and wondered if it might be any different. Before quitting teaching altogether, he decided to give the profession one last shot and apply.


He had found what he’d been looking for…

Archway Veritas is different. I believe that if I’m having fun, the students will have fun. And a teacher who loves being in the classroom helps students love being in that same classroom. I have the freedom to make that happen here.”

Henry Schreiber with his hands raised above his head in front of his classroom

As a first-grade lead, he does that by reinforcing the positive.

“I love coming up with little celebrations to encourage my students to take the next step without having to be told explicitly to take it. It could be something as simple as one student asking another to ‘please scoot their chair in’ to get by. If I catch something like that, I’ll stop what we are doing and we celebrate it as a class. The current favorite is the golf clap. The student stands up and pretends to line up and golf ball, swing, and watch it fly. Then, the rest of the class does a golf clap.

Henry Schreiber energetically teaching his classroom

Mr. Schreiber has found a home at Archway Veritas. “I love the leadership because they have my back. I love the lack of technology because rewards involve interaction instead of screens. And I love that I get to enjoy my work. To sUm it up, Archway Veritas just cares more.”

And that truly deserves a celebration.

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