Giving Tuesday – Great Hearts Anthem

Great Hearts Anthem November 14, 2023

 What is a teacher? 

A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values. 

Did you know that Great Hearts Anthem has 7 teachers that graduated from Great Hearts academies, 3 from our very own Great Hearts Anthem? Two of these teachers are Brandon Wang, Prep math teacher and Julie-Anna McKinnon, Archway teaching assistant. We are proud that our graduates value this education enough to want to start a career in teaching and dedicate their time to our students. Let’s hear from them in their own words. 

Brandon Wang 

Brandon Wang with a student.When did you start school at Great Hearts Anthem? What year did you graduate? I started in 2009 in 5th Grade (first year of the school). I graduated in 2018. 

During your high school experience – what were some books or discussions that you experienced that were instructive in your personal growth? 

The most important text for me was Plato’s Republic along with our discussions of it. It helped me begin to think about bigger questions such as truth, justice, and virtue. Also, our discussions in 9th Grade Geometry with Mr. Bruce Clark inspired me to take philosophy seriously and to reevaluate how I thought of mathematics. 

Where did you attend college university? I attended Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, CA from 2018 to 2022. 

What was the driving factor or force that made you want to return to our school to teach others? It was the liberal arts curriculum and virtue-centered culture that made me want to return to teach here at Great Hearts Anthem. 

What advice do you have for anyone considering a classical Great Hearts education? My advice would be to open your heart to the beauty of the education (it will be difficult because it may seem so foreign). Once you allow your soul to be moved by the things studied in the classrooms here, you will begin to take studies and life more seriously and with greater precision. 

Mr. Wither’s, our Prep Headmaster has this to say about Mr. Wang. “Brandon Wang is a great teacher, beloved by students for all the right reasons.” 

Julie-Anna McKinnon 

Julie-Anna McKinnon with a studentWhen did you start school at Great Hearts Anthem? What year did you graduate? I started Great Hearts Anthem as a freshman in 2016 and graduated in 2020. 

During your high school experience – what were some books or discussions that you experienced that were instructive in your personal growth? I really enjoyed reading and discussing the Bible, The Iliad, The Odyssey, and Huckleberry Finn. I used the Bible and Huckleberry Finn to write my senior thesis and had many great discussions on these books. Reading these books helped me appreciate literature so much more and want to grow to have a deeper understanding rather than just trying to comprehend the surface level of the text. 

I also had so many amazing discussions with Mr. Wood about math that inspired my passion for mathematics and teaching. These discussions had a huge impact on me, and I am planning on eventually pursuing a master’s degree in mathematics. (Editor’s note: – Mr. Wood is a Great Hearts graduate) 

Where did you attend college/ university? Grand Canyon University 

What was the driving factor or force that made you want to return to our school to teach others? I fell in love with the curriculum at Great Hearts and it was so inspiring to see a community of students and faculty that cared. I owe a lot of my success in working at Great Hearts to Mrs. Mickley. She was a major influence in my life when I was in high school, and she inspired me to work at Great Hearts while also completing my requirements for college. 

What advice do you have for anyone considering a classical Great Hearts education? I highly recommend considering a classical Great Hearts education. Going to Great Hearts had such a positive impact on my life and prepared me for life and college. I truly appreciated the fact that the teachers put in the time and effort to make sure that every one of us students was successful. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the amazing faculty and staff at Great Hearts Anthem! 

From Archway Headmaster Ms. Clark – “Ms. McKinnon has a delightful disposition and works well with our young students.” 

Our teachers are the heart of our school. Their dedication in time and talent to every student is honorable. We are grateful for their commitment to excellence and positively impacting young hearts and minds. 

You can come home again! 

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