Giving Tuesday – North Phoenix Prep

North Phoenix Prep November 22, 2023

On this Giving Tuesday, we ask you to make a gift from your heart in support of your students education.

 When you make a gift to Community Investment and redirect your AZ Public School Tax Credit to ANP, it stays right here on our campus directly supporting our teachers, students, and the Great Hearts model of education you have chosen for your child.

  • A Socratic learning environment
  • A low student to teacher ratio
  • Classical Fine Arts program including French, Art, Music, and P.E.
  • After School clubs led by our teachers
  • Two Fieldtrips a year per grade level & on campus enrichment programs

One of the most impactful ways your financial support makes a difference is in our classrooms. Your financial support affords us to have two qualified and dedicated faculty in every class. Not only does this allow for more one on one special attention, but it also ensures that instruction time is never lost should our lead teachers need to be out of class.

Mr. Jagoda in class

As a first-year lead teacher, Mr. Jagoda shares how his time as an Apprentice Teacher & the professional development plan supported his growing journey as a teacher.

Mr Jagoda“After graduating college, I decided to accept a position as an Apprentice Teacher at Archway North Phoenix, because I felt it would be a great opportunity to gain teaching experience while easing my way into the classroom. I worked as an Apprentice Teacher for two years. During this time, I had the honor of collaborating with multiple excellent teachers and mentors, one of the best being, Mr. Sokolis. This experience was vital to my success as a teacher.

This is my first year stepping into the role has a Lead Teacher, and it has been surprisingly comfortable, which I attribute to great preparation through the Apprentice Teachers program. Working as an AT provides new teachers with the opportunity to work with, observe, and learn from expert teachers with years of experience, all of whom are eager to share their wisdom and help new teachers flourish. The position also gives new teachers ample experience in the logistics of operating a classroom. Mastering routines and procedures, grading, and lesson planning, all of which can be challenging as a new teacher. As I look back, I am immensely grateful for the things I learned and the experience I gained in my time as an Apprentice Teacher” ~Benjamin Jagoda

“We are grateful for our partnership with Archway North Phoenix and love when Apprentice Teachers become Lead Teachers at North Phoenix Prep. Because of their training and mentorship experience, they are able to transition into the prep classroom with a huge advantage. At Great Hearts, all teachers, even those teachers who did not begin as an apprentice, receive regular coaching, professional development, and support from various lead teachers and teammates to create conditions for their success. ” ~Ms. Jacobson

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