Giving Tuesday – Scottsdale Prep

Scottsdale Prep November 27, 2023

Today as we celebrate Giving Tuesday, we respectfully ask you to consider making a gift to Community Investment and redirecting your AZ public school tax credit to support the amazing work being done at Scottsdale Prep.

The funds from Community Investment help to support highly qualified faculty, low student ratios and specials courses which include art, music, and foreign language. Your gift stays on our campus to help fund the gap between what it costs to deliver this education and what we receive from public funding.

Mrs. Clement teaching a Drama Class

As a way of spotlighting all of the wonderful people and programs at Scottsdale Prep, we are proud to highlight Mrs. Anna Chasse Clement. With her vibrant spirit and steady dedication, she has become an integral part of the school community over the past nine years. With a bachelor’s degree in Theater and a specialization in Production Management, she has navigated her way through various grades and subjects, and finally found her calling in teaching 12th grade drama.

Mrs. Clement teaching a drama classMrs. Clement’s passion does not stop at the classroom door. She is currently pursuing her Master of Arts in Directing from Roosevelt University, driven by her desire to enhance the educational experience for the theater program at Scottsdale Prep. Her dedication to her craft is unmatched, and her enthusiasm is contagious.

Under Mrs. Clement’s guidance, the theater program has continued to flourish. Having a lasting mark on each student that she encounters, she firmly believes that participating in the theater curriculum is an opportunity for students to become extraordinary public speakers and leaders. Over the years, the SPA theater program has graduated students who not only excelled in theater programs across the country but also made significant marks in international competitions.

Mrs. Clement teaching a Drama ClassThe impact of the theater program at Scottsdale Prep extends beyond the classroom. Mrs. Clement has seen SPA graduates being awarded full scholarships in prestigious theater programs at universities like Oregon, Michigan, Syracuse, and ASU. These success stories are a testament to the environment she and the Scottsdale Prep curriculum provide. Thank you to Mrs. Clement for her dedication to Scottsdale Prep.

We are privileged to offer an outstanding liberal arts education, and it is all made possible by parents like you. Thank you to the families that have already made a gift to Community Investment. Please join us today by making a gift to Community Investment and supporting our teachers that help to provide a Great Hearts education.

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