Glendale Prep’s First Home Football Game Soars to New Heights

Glendale Prep September 5, 2024

Glendale Prep Griffin football players on field with a referee for coin toss

It was a night to remember when 800+ students, parents, and fans packed the stands for Glendale Prep’s first home football game. The Griffins kicked off the season in spectacular fashion, notching a 69-0 win against the Greyhills Academy Knights. But the game was only part of the story. From thrilling touchdowns to a surprise helicopter candy drop, Glendale Prep’s opening home game had it all.

Headmaster Kyle Navarrette was soaking up the excitement of the first home game with a large crowd and noted, “On top of that we had a connection where we had a helicopter come and do a candy drop.” That’s right, a helicopter flew directly over the field and dropped loads of bagged candy! “It was supposed to be at halftime but it was actually during the delay for lightning and so we took what was kind of frustrating and turning something pretty amazing,” he said.

Helicopter flying over GP football field

Once all the candy was unloaded from the hovering helicopter, the crowd of students in the stands ascended on the field to retrieve their bag of candy, as the helicopter flew off into the horizon. The game began shortly after everyone returned to their seats. All in all, it was great timing.

Crowd of kids on Glendale Prep Griffin football field

The newly installed permanent field lights and the debut of the academy’s spirit line electrified the atmosphere, transforming the night into a celebration of community, tradition, and victory. Over the summer, the football field received a significant upgrade with the addition of permanent field lights. In previous years, the Glendale Prep Griffins played their Friday night games under temporary floodlights that had to be raised and lowered before and after each game.

Glendale Prep Griffin spirit line

And the addition of the new spirit line made a noticeable impact on and off the field, keeping the momentum of the players and the crowd up throughout the late night. This is the first year that Glendale Prep has had a spirit line and it was a welcomed addition to the game, as they lead several cheers, performed stunts, and were featured during a half-time show.

Glendale Prep Griffin football player catching the ball

One of the key moments of the game came in the first quarter when quarterback Josh McHale connected with wide receiver Atticus Wyzevich for a 37-yard touchdown pass. Shortly after, middle linebacker Bobby Glazner added to the excitement with a 44-yard touchdown run.

Glendale Prep Griffin football player running with ball

The Griffins dominated the first half, leading 55-0 at halftime. “It’s exciting to get the win, but more importantly, they’re playing the game the right way—competing and putting on a show for our community,” said Navarrette.

Glendale Prep Griffin football player running with ball

In the third quarter, wide receiver Levi Valenzuela thrilled the crowd with a 68-yard kickoff return for a touchdown. The Griffins secured a decisive victory over the Knights, finishing the game with a 69-0 win.

Glendale Prep Griffin football player giving a peace sign and holding the ball

It was a great night for players and fans alike. The excitement of the new lights and cheer line, combined with the large crowd and incredible win reminds us all of the importance of this pastime that brings us all together under the Friday Night Lights.

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