Great Hearts Christos Announces Two Locations

Great Hearts Christos March 1, 2023

Great Hearts Christos CrestEarlier today, we introduced Dr. Toyin Atolagbe as the Executive Director of the new branch of private academies. Read more: Dr. Atolagbe has served at Great Hearts Arizona for 12 years and is highly respected in the network. She is eager to take on the new role.

Great Hearts recently announced the expansion of its school network to include Great Hearts Christos, private Christian Classical Academies that will open in Arizona in the Fall of 2023. Christos Academies are a separate, faith-based, non-profit, private school arm of the Great Hearts organization committed to creating and offering the best ecumenical Christian academies in the country. Because they are private schools, the Christos Academies’ programs can, and do, integrate Christ-centered faith formation along with the proven classical model that has made Great Hearts academies the national leader in classical education.

We are now pleased to introduce the locations where Great Hearts Christos will be serving grades K-5 beginning in the Fall of 2023. Both campuses are being launched in partnership with church communities.

Front of Evident Life Church campusThe first campus will be located at Evident Life Church at 415 N. Gilbert Road in Gilbert with an expected enrollment cap of 120 scholars, and Redemption Alhambra will be the home of the second campus at 1830 W. Glenrosa Avenue in Phoenix with an expected enrollment cap of 200. We are delighted to have these two churches as our partners as they are communities with a clear vision for Christian education, led by faith-filled pastors and pastoral teams, and we are fully aligned on our statement of faith to serve families.  Please note that both campuses will undergo renovations to house a Christos academy over the next five months, with the Redemption Alhambra renovations being significant.  The campuses are well suited to our academy program.

Front of Redemption Alhambra campusYou will have the opportunity to visit both spaces at our upcoming open houses. This is your chance to meet the Christos team as well as the pastoral staff. You can also review our extensive security plan for each campus. More information will follow about the open houses, but please sign up for the Redemption Alhambra campus Open House on Monday, March 20 here. Sign up for the Evident Life campus Open House on Tuesday, March 28th here. Both open houses will be from 5 to 7 p.m.

The Great Hearts Christos application portal will open on Monday, March 6th.  The link to the application site can be found here: [add link]. You will be asked to select your desired campus location during the admissions process. Also, please contact our Director of Operations, Lisa Horak, at as questions arise regarding the admissions process or regarding tuition and financial aid.  Or if you have general questions regarding the Christos program, please contact our office assistant Tiffany Scoggin at

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