Great Hearts Expands Dual Enrollment Opportunities for the 2025-26 School Year

Great Hearts Academies March 27, 2025

This year, Great Hearts piloted three pathways for scholars to earn college credit while attending a Great Hearts Arizona academy through dual enrollmentadvanced placement, and CLEP testing. This initiative has proven to be a huge success with significant participation from our upper school scholars. We now continue to enhance our commitment to providing students with college-level academic experiences by expanding the dual enrollment program for the 2025-26 school year.

College Credit Opportunities graphic with list of options

The dual enrollment program, which allows students to earn college credit while still in high school, will introduce several new course offerings for 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students. Roslyn Fletcher, Regional Director of College Counseling for Great Hearts in Arizona, recently shared details about these exciting new opportunities. “We’ve added additional courses for students to take advantage of and to earn college credit before they go to college,” Fletcher stated.

These additions further enhance the already rich academic experience at Great Hearts, giving students even more opportunities to get a head start on their college education.

In addition to the dual enrollment courses, students can earn college credit through the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). In April, Great Hearts will offer CLEP exams at three campuses: Scottsdale PrepTrivium Prep, and Chandler Prep. These exams assess a student’s proficiency in college-level material and, upon passing, can translate into college credits at many institutions.

Beyond dual enrollment and CLEPGreat Hearts Arizona also provides students with opportunities to earn college credit through advanced placement (AP) exams. These three pathways equip students with valuable academic credentials before they even step onto a college campus.

Student taking notes in class

For students and families interested in learning more about Great Hearts Arizona’s dual enrollment programCLEP exams, or AP exam opportunities, Fletcher recommends that families contact their academy and discuss options with their college counselor. “We have 20 college counselors in our network who are eager to support you and your students as you make these decisions,” she said. “I would ask that you reach out to your college counselor either by phone or by email and schedule an in-person appointment to talk about the different options that might be best for your student. It’s the academic history of your student along with your student’s future college goals that are important to discuss when deciding which of these options is the best fit for your student.”

You can also access more information about college credit opportunities at

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