Human Formation at Great Hearts Facebook Twitter Email This Post Great Hearts Academies October 17, 2022 The purpose of Great Hearts is to cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. The Philosophical Pillars of Great Hearts states, “We do not dispute the usefulness of a liberal arts education, and we gladly prepare our students for college studies, but our main purpose is the formation of the soul, heart, and mind.” It is this intent for the heart and soul that connects Great Hearts to a long and rich tradition in classical education. While modern education focuses on cultivating only skills, or at best the intellect of students, Great Hearts takes a holistic approach to the human formation of its scholars. “All human beings are engaged in a life-long process of formation, hopefully becoming more happy and flourishing human beings as we mature and learn,” explained Great Hearts Co-founder and Academies Officer Dr. Daniel Scoggin. “At Great Hearts, we believe a classical education—the study of the best that has been thought and said and the legacy of human excellence—is the very best launch for each of us in this journey.” As parents, we want more than a chase for test scores and utilitarian thinking to shape our children’s education. We are disenchanted with the “output” thinking that modern education systems are currently offering. While skill and knowledge are important, they need to be kept in context. It is the person with wisdom and character who will stand out as a leader in their community. It is in the formation of mind and heart that we see the distinction between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is gained through the studying and retention or storage of new information. Whereas wisdom refers to insight, understanding, and accepting of the fundamental ‘nature’ of things in life. And the development in the student of appreciation or love for what is lasting and beyond the immediately visible is crucial to laying the foundation of a life of wisdom. Even the name, “Great Hearts” notes that we are looking beyond the formation of intellect. We are not simply settling for broad or rapid “coverage” of material. Our goal is to shape minds and hearts. We are dedicated to serving families in the moral and intellectual formation of their children – to produce great-hearted people who can recognize and identify the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. Human formation is accomplished through the intentional cultivation of moral, intellectual, and physical virtue. You can read more about virtue in an article by Dr. Scoggin. Simply put, virtue is human excellence, a person at their best. Virtue is the lost word in modern education. The classical educators of Great Hearts feel it is their duty to restore the virtuous life for all scholars. We love and cultivate the intellectual virtues—the perfection of the powers of the human mind, including knowledge, understanding, art or skill, and wisdom. Knowing that the human person is not merely disembodied mind or soul, but fundamentally EMBODIED, we also love the cultivation of physical strength and skill. Furthermore, we love the moral virtues—we seek to cultivate the habits of justice, moderation, courage, piety, and prudence. We seek, above all, the virtue of magnanimity, greatness of soul, the virtue of the human person who possesses the virtues and yet exercises them without arrogance. Our graduates are bringing their classical and character-forming experience with them as they go on to lead in their professions, in their communities, and in their households. And they will continue their personal journey in the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Do you have a story or know of a story that you would like to see featured at Great Hearts? Please contact