Press Room

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Great Hearts Academies August 14, 2023

Thoughts from a Senior Dad – The First Day of Senior Year

To all Great Hearts Parents of a High School Senior, Senior year is in full swing and if you are like me, your emotions are all over the place. We are also navigating all the feelings we encounter as parents of soon-to-be graduates. You might be afraid to blink. Because if you do, you just […] Read More »
Archway Glendale August 11, 2023

The Marvelous Miss Mabel

  Mabel is a great hearted bernedoodle and one of the new faculty members at Archway Glendale. Her owner and handler is Joy Hanks, the Dean of Students at the academy. Mabel has been trained and certified as a therapy dog and spends a few days a week at the school to provide a myriad […] Read More »
Great Hearts Christos August 10, 2023

Great Hearts Christos at Redemption Alhambra Brings Restoration to a Community

It was an exciting first day of school for the families of Great Hearts Christos at Redemption Alhambra. The campus was full of laughter and life as parents walked their children to their classes. Dr. Toyin Atolagbe, Executive Director of Great Hearts Christos – the new Christian private school arm of the Great Hearts network, […] Read More »
Great Hearts Christos August 8, 2023

First Day of School for Great Hearts Christos at Evident Life

The first day of school is always exciting, but even more so when it is the inaugural first day for a brand-new school. The first campus of the new private Christian academy, Great Hearts Christos at Evident Life in Gilbert, opened its doors to scholars this morning. “I’m so excited that Great Hearts has opened […] Read More »
Great Hearts Northern Oaks August 7, 2023

Great Hearts Northern Oaks Scholar visits Japan

Great Hearts Northern Oaks junior, Benjamin Alcott was announced as a winner of the 2023 Naoko Mitsui Shirane Foundation scholarship which awarded him a summer exchange program to Japan. Among Benjamin’s experiences as a student ambassador, he visited with a former Chairman of Toyota Motors in Tokyo, and the President of the Lexus plant in […] Read More »