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Great Hearts Academies July 19, 2023

How to Get Enough Rest for Success

Can you believe that in just weeks we will be sending our kids back to school? The summer has absolutely flown by. As parents, we are preparing for the return by making sure uniforms still fit, school supplies are purchased, and calendars are updated with all the upcoming school events. We are starting to think […] Read More »
Archway Glendale July 18, 2023

The Virtue of Humility by Sam S.

At the end of each school year, fifth graders at Archway Glendale are asked to write a speech about one of the nine virtues they have learned during their elementary education at Great Hearts. Today, we will explore the virtue of Humility as written by rising sixth grader, Sam S. Throughout this year, we have […] Read More »
Great Hearts Harveston July 17, 2023

Grammy Nominated Gospel Artist Trades the Stage to Support New Academy

Lakisha Johnson is the Founding Director of Campus Operations for Great Hearts Harveston, the first Great Hearts academy to open in Louisiana in August, 2023. As part of the Great Hearts Harveston founding team, she has had the opportunity to start from the beginning and see the academy evolve. “Seeing students and families walk into […] Read More »
Archway Glendale July 14, 2023

The Virtue of Honesty by Vincent M.

At the end of each school year, fifth graders at Archway Glendale are asked to write a speech about one of the nine virtues they have learned during their elementary education at Great Hearts. Today, we will explore the virtue of Honesty as written by rising sixth grader, Vincent M. Honesty. The first thing that […] Read More »
Archway Chandler July 13, 2023

Meet the Unstoppable Kristen Scott of Archway Chandler

Within only minutes of meeting Kristen Scott, the Assistant Headmaster at Archway Chandler, you know just how passionate she is about math, her scholars, and coaching new teachers. While her energy is contagious, you might be surprised to learn that this extravert has been through some hardships in life, attributing to her resilience and perseverance […] Read More »