Salute to Our Great Hearts Veterans: Michael Nichols

Archway Classical Academy Veritas November 7, 2022

Mike NicholsGreat Hearts Academies are pleased to recognize, celebrate, and honor some of the amazing Veterans in our schools who have not only served our country in the military, but have continued to do outstanding work to support the students of Great Hearts.

Michael Nichols served in the U.S. Navy as an electronics technician working on a variety of shipboard radar, communications, and navigation systems as well as electronic calibration and electronic board repair from 1986 – 1992. The first year and a half of his enlistment was spent going to numerous training schools before he ever stepped foot on a ship. Aside from the outstanding training, Nichols was had the opportunity to visit several foreign countries in the West Pacific.

“Occasionally, people will thank me for my military service which is great.  I’ve yet to meet a Veteran or active-duty service member who doesn’t like having their personal sacrifices recognized and appreciated,” said Nichols.

In a true act of humility, Nichols, who currently works as Facilities Technician at Great Hearts Veritas, did not want this tribute to be about him, but instead asked for readers to consider Military spouses and families this Veteran’s Day.

“I met my wife to be and married her while on active duty.  Between six-month deployments, countless training exercises at sea, and standing duty on the ship while in home port once every four days, I calculated my wife and I saw each other for approximately three months of that first year.  Our first son was born during my time in service as well.  I was lucky enough to get back from another six-month deployment just in time to witness his birth.”

“However, I missed out on several milestones such as watching him walk for the first time or learning how to say his first words. During this whole time my wife was for the most part acting as a single parent; pregnancy, worrying about my safety, paying bills, taking son to the doctor, etc. How she managed to endure all that still baffles me. I’m happy to report we are still married 33 years strong.”

Nichols’ hope for anyone reading this would be to thank the families as well, when thanking a veteran or active-duty member.  They, too, are making tremendous sacrifices for our country.

Archway Veritas Headmaster Mary Frances Jeffries was moved by this selfless gesture.  “I really appreciate the message he crafted to honor not only those who have served, but the sacrifices his loved ones have made to support this service to our country.  It is a very good reminder for me as I thank our servicemen and servicewomen moving forward.”

Please join Great Hearts in honoring Veterans like Michael Nichols and their families who have served our country.

Military families

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