Setting the Tone at Glendale Prep’s Opening Assembly

Glendale Prep August 22, 2024

crowd of students at assembly

At Glendale Preparatory Academy, the first assembly of the school year is part of a tradition with a profound purpose. In past years, this assembly has set the tone for the school year ahead, according to Headmaster Kyle Navarrette. This year’s assembly was no different, as it aimed to inspire and connect the entire school community. “There are times and seasons in life that cause us to break away from our daily routine to consider our time together as a student body unified in the present but also to consider the future,” said Navarrette as he opened the assembly.

Like any good tradition, the assembly follows a distinct cadence of pomp and circumstance, even down to where everyone sits. The middle school students fill the bleachers in the back of the gymnasium, where they get a bird’s-eye view of the event. Ground-floor seating is reserved for high school scholars, with freshmen sitting towards the back, followed by sophomores and juniors, and the front rows reserved for the senior class. As students began filing in, you could see the wide-eyed anticipation of the sixth graders, who have no idea what they are about to experience. The room filled up quickly, with the noticeable absence of the seniors in the front seats.

Senior processional a Glendale Prep

After a brief welcome from Navarrette, the students were asked to stand for the senior procession, as the senior class filed in two-by-two, led by scholars carrying the American flag and the school flag. Once they made their way through the center aisle, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by senior Maddox Smith.

Navarrette was the first to give an address, where he emphasized the importance of these gatherings as one of the few opportunities he has to speak directly to the entire student body. “The ideas I share with you today,” he said, “are often the result of months of reflection, starting in the spring of the previous school year, maturing over the summer, and coming into sharp focus just before the school year begins.”

In past years, the headmaster’s message has centered around themes such as belonging, kindness, and how to treat one another. However, this year, he shifted his focus to something new—Vision. He expressed his desire to speak to the students and teachers about the importance of having a clear vision for the future.

Next was the keynote speech of the event, delivered by a senior who is handpicked by the faculty and kept secret until they are announced on stage. This year, the honor was given to Alejandro Rodriguez. He took the stage, sharing a heartfelt reflection on his long journey at Glendale Prep. “When I was asked to do this speech,” he began, “I immediately thought of my time sitting in your seats. I’ve been here a long time, since first grade, but what differentiates my experience from another senior who has gone to a different school his whole life? It’s the passion of our faculty.”

Senior addressing other students at assembly

He went on to praise the teachers, noting that their dedication and enthusiasm are what make Glendale Prep truly special. “They devote countless hours to light their own fires of enthusiasm in us. This is what makes GP worth it—they help us find our humanity so we can discover our own interests. Find your passion, and you will realize that school is not just about surviving; it’s about thriving.”

In addition to a senior, a faculty member is also invited to the stage each year. Latin teacher Patrick Tierney closed the assembly with a powerful message of encouragement and a challenge for the year. Mr. Tierney has been teaching at Glendale Prep for  ten years and will be retiring at the end of this school year, concluding his 50-year career in teaching. This beloved teacher is known for driving to work each day in his sporty Corvette and investing in his students, inside and outside of school, often attending their games and events.

Teacher making address at Glendale Prep

He reminded the students that they are the ones who continue to build on the foundation of the school, making it a wonderful place to live, learn, and grow. He shared a Latin motto attributed to Sir Philip Sidney, an English statesman and poet during the time of Queen Elizabeth I:

“Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam” — “I will either find a way or make one.”

“That is my challenge to you this year,” he said. “Look to find that way forward. You are all blessed with the capability of reaching your goals, no matter what level you are on. Just make sure that you, the most unforgettable young people here, keep looking for that path. And rest assured that I will never forget the goodness in you.”

After a spirited student-led chant of “WE-ARE-G-P,” the first assembly of the school year came to a close, leaving the students, from lower to upperclassmen, and faculty ready to embark on a new academic year filled with purpose, passion, and vision.

Row of seniors at assembly

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