Starting the Year Strong at Meet the Teacher

Great Hearts Academies July 31, 2024

Parents reading classroom rosters on the wall

The excitement is palpable as families eagerly anticipate Meet the Teacher events at Great Hearts Academies, when they get to find out which dedicated teachers will guide and inspire their children throughout the year. The day marks a new beginning filled with the anticipation of learning as we all get ready for another wonderful school year together.

Suzanne DeStefano, headmaster at Archway Glendale, looks forward to this event each year. “There are so many things about Meet the Teacher Night that are really special,” shared DeStefano. “The best part is this relationship that begins – this magical moment when a teacher and a student meet each other for the first time and know that they’re going on a journey together for a year. And then a parent and the teacher get to meet for the first time. The parent handing over their child with trust and hope for the year ahead and the teacher looking them in the eyes and saying, ‘This is a great year ahead of us.’ It’s a very special time.”

teacher meeting a student with their parent

This magical night begins at the front door, where parents and scholars are greeted by the office staff. What happens next is where the real fun begins. At Archway Glendale, families make their way to the multipurpose room (MPR), where they find classroom lists, organized by grade, lining the walls. “I love seeing children scanning with excitement to find out who their teacher is going to be and then jumping up and down with excitement when they find out who that person is,” said DeStefano.

A parent and child reading a classroom roster on the wall

Also in the MPR, families find the specials teachers – music, art, language, and physical education – at various stations, where students get a chance to meet them and hear about some of the activities they will be doing throughout the year. At Archway Glendale, the music teachers brought instruments for students to try, and Coach Roundy had a basketball hoop for scholars to practice their shots. Meanwhile, parents met with the school nurses or visited the Parent Service Organization (PSO) table to learn more about how to volunteer and get involved.

Teacher greeting a parent

Now, with the knowledge of their classroom number and teacher’s name, families made their way to see their classroom and meet their teachers for the first time. The anticipation was heightened as the scholars got closer to their homeroom doors. Once inside, they were greeted by their teacher and teaching assistant (TA). DeStefano explained that after this special meet and greet. “People will be coming in from the heat with those heavy boxes, unloading all of those supplies into the bins and desks and getting some of those logistics prepared.” She said this not only gives the family an activity to do together while familiarizing themselves with their new desk and classroom, but it also makes the first day of school a little bit easier for children, not having to lug all those heavy items by themselves. Plus, they will begin their first day knowing their desks and supplies are organized and ready to go.

A parent and child at Meet the Teacher night

DeStefano knows that most students might be nervous when it comes to new experiences. “Maybe some of those normal nerves and trepidation before the school year are replaced with excitement: ‘I know who my teacher is. I know where my classroom is. I know where my desk is. I’ve got my supplies unloaded. I know where my friends are and I’m ready to start the year together.’”

What a great start to the school year for our lower school scholars!

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