Great Hearts Greater Good Fund

The Great Hearts Greater Good Fund is a shared effort of the Great Hearts community to support the teachers and students at our Title I school, Maryvale Prep.

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We are committed to offering all students the best education possible – the education they deserve, regardless of their socioeconomic background. Gifts to the Great Hearts Greater Good fund make this a reality for our students at the Great Hearts academies located in low-income neighborhoods. The Great Hearts Greater Good fund allows Maryvale Prep teachers to focus on closing the achievement gap by enabling us to maintain small class sizes, helping pay salaries to our qualified teachers who specialize in urban education and helping to provide school supplies, uniforms and special education and ESL (English as a Second Language) materials.

All gifts to the Great Hearts Greater Good fund, at any level, are vital to the health of our Title 1 academies and strengthen the Great Hearts family. In addition to partnering with your own academy through their Community Investment campaign and Tax Credit drive, please also consider supporting the Great Hearts Greater Good fund through a monthly sustaining gift.

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To learn more about the Great Hearts Greater Good Fund and how you can support the Great Hearts schools located in traditionally under-served neighborhoods, please contact Rachel Erekson by email at Thank you!

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