The Virtue of Responsibility by Caitlyn O.

Archway Glendale July 31, 2023

Haymaking, painting by George Stubbs

At the end of each school year, fifth graders at Archway Glendale are asked to write a speech about one of the nine virtues they have learned during their elementary education at Great Hearts. Today, we will explore the virtue of Responsibility as written by rising sixth grader, Caitlyn O.

Responsibility leads people to thrive for the good.  What is responsibility?  One definition of responsibility is to have the authority of something important, or to be committed to something.  However, what is most important about being responsible is making sure to do a kind deed to help those around you.

This year in class we read Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt.  The story takes place during the Civil War, where the protagonist, Jethro, and his family live in the Union.  Jethro’s brothers set out to fight for the union, all except his older brother, Bill, who decides to fight for the Confederacy.  Some townsmen harass Jethro because Bill was not fighting for the Union, but Jethro is responsible and stands up for his brother.  Jethro also takes over responsibility of plowing the fields when his brothers are out fighting.  He brings his family through the war and provides them with food and care.  Jethro takes on the responsibility of assisting others in need.

In history this year, my classmates and I learned that Ulysses S. Grant led his men to accomplish great things during the Civil war.  As Commanding General of the Union, Grant took on the responsibility of treating his men with care.  He also showed responsibility by having well planned strategies that were implemented effectively.  General Ulysses S. Grant’s confidence and strong sense of responsibility changed the course of history for the United States of America.

The teachers in Archway Glendale replicate responsibility in many ways.  I love how hard they work to provide us with a great education!  They offer us opportunities to dive deeper into the material and not just us information.  The teachers demonstrate responsibility by taking the time to prepare lessons with care, no matter what other obligations they have.  When students are confused or experiencing a challenge, the teachers understand and show responsibility for changing the way they explain the material

My most recent teachers, Mrs. Chatel and Mrs. Porter, inspire me and my classmates every day.  They let us know who we can become and what we can accomplish in this world.  I am very excited for new teachers and faculty members heading into Glendale Prep.  I know those teachers will challenge us to make the world a better place.  As we continue at Glendale Prep and beyond, may we take on the responsibilities necessary to influence others they we have been impacted by history, literature, and our teachers.

Student giving speech on a virtue at 5th grade promotion ceremony

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