Your Athletic Director Deserves a Hug This January

Great Hearts Academies January 26, 2024

Athletic Director Calendar

In the heart of winter, the role of an Athletic Director (AD) at Great Hearts Arizona becomes a testament to dedication and resilience. Jon Rickey, the Director of Athletics, describes January as a whirlwind of activity, juggling responsibilities across multiple sports with unwavering commitment.

Great Hearts currently boasts an impressive roster of 872 high school athletes and 1,374 middle school athletes engaged in winter sports. The diversity of sports, including soccer, basketball, tennis, baseball, and softball across various age groups, creates a dynamic and demanding environment for ADs. Unlike the regular rhythm of fall with sports like football, winter sports present a kaleidoscope of schedules, often stretching the workdays of ADs into late-night hours.

Athletic Director Calendar

Rickey recalls his time as AD at Glendale Prep, humorously noting that his son’s query about his frequent absence was met with a simple yet telling reply, “Because it’s January!” This month, affectionately dubbed “Hug-Your-AD Month,” highlights the extraordinary time and effort poured into their roles annually.

Todd Conklin“Ah, January.” Todd Conklin, the Athletic Director at Arete Prep, echoes this sentiment. His 60-70 hour workweeks in January are a testament to the relentless pace and ever-present feeling of playing catch-up. Even in the early hours, Conklin is seen tending to soccer fields, ensuring that nothing hinders the flurry of games scheduled.

For first-year AD Chase Beebe at Veritas Prep, the experience has been eye-opening. “With spring around the corner, hosted games happen nearly every day of the week… not considering the wet weather and changes that we have to make or adjust with rain… this is busy!” The intensity of the schedule, exacerbated by weather challenges, underscores the relentless nature of the job as spring sports loom on the horizon.

Duane EdigerVeteran AD Duane Ediger of Scottsdale Prep, with over 30 years of athletic administration under his belt, emphasizes the importance of proactivity. Balancing the needs of soccer, tennis, and beach volleyball, alongside the unpredictable weather, requires meticulous planning and adaptability. “What I have learned is to be as proactive as possible to get fields and other things ready in advance, as well as our spring season. Fields, tennis courts, beach volleyball courts, and hiring coaches makes it very busy. If there are weather issues, for soccer we have to reschedule, cram them in at the end of the season, which ends at the end of January. Just yesterday, we had four middle school soccer games cancelled and a middle school baseball game cancelled because of weather. Now I am having to put them back-to-back with many other games,” The impact of these schedule changes extends beyond the field, affecting students, parents, and families, and demanding a high level of focus and time management.

In every profession, there are periods when the workload intensifies, demanding extra dedication and resilience. For our Athletic Directors, January represents this peak of challenge, a confluence of ending one season and preparing for another, often amid daunting weather conditions. It’s a time that calls for understanding, support, and perhaps a gesture of gratitude for their relentless spirit and unwavering commitment to our student athletes.

As we navigate through these bustling days, let’s take a moment to appreciate our ADs. Their passion and selfless dedication are what enable our athletes to thrive and excel, shaping not just games, but lives.

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